St John
the Divine,

    • Welcome
    • Introducing St John's
    • Our location
    • Our services
    • Contact us
    • Our principles
    • Data privacy notice
    • Our mission statement
    • Annual report for 2023
    • Safeguarding
    • Looking back

St John the Divine, Merton


Services at St John the Divine, High Path

Official restrictions have been lifted and so all are welcome to attend. We will be maintaining a range of habits and moving gradually on the reintroduction of other practices.
  • People will continue to be encouraged to sign in and to use sanitiser and to respect others' space.
  • Face masks are not compulsory, but do consider using them.
We would love to hear people's views about how soon you would like the option of sharing the peace and receiving the chalice.
   Do speak with the clergy or churchwardens if you have any specific queries or comments. God bless and keep us all.

    9.30 a.m. Parish Eucharist
    (Occasional Team services take the place of the normal Eucharist Service and are held at one of the Team churches at 10.30 a.m.)
    6.00 p.m. Evening Service (until Advent Carols on 27 November 2022)
                      Prayers for the planet (second Sundays, from 11 December 2022)

    7.00 p.m. Finding Sanctuary – a time of music, reading and quiet reflection, on Zoom (contact Andy)

    9.00 a.m. Morning Prayer

    9.00 a.m. Morning Prayer

    9.00 a.m. Morning Prayer

All are welcome to join us for any of our services.